
The Planetary Society and Me

José Roberto Costa convinced me it would be a good idea to write in English as well. Who is José Roberto? Read on. Read on…

My relationship with The Planetary Society is rather new, I confess. And exactly because of this I am very confortable in talking about it. I’m not “part of the landscape”, so to speak.

The afore mentioned José Roberto got me into the Society. He is the editor of Astronomia no Zênite, the most popular Astronomy website in Portuguese. He is also the Communications Director of the Association of Brazilian Planetariums, ABP. And, as far as I know (and I hope I’m not commiting any injustices here), he is the biggest advocate for the Planetary Society in Brazil.

In a matter of fact, if I correctly understood the chain of events, the Brazilian branch of the Planetary Society owes its existence to him. Before he started his cruzade, there was only the original Planetary Society. Its Brazilian branch, right here where I’m writing this very same lines, comes entirely from José Roberto’s efforts.

But before I became a full fledged member of the Planetary Society, and started do write this blog (all José Roberto’s fault, I insist), it was already, in some way, embedded in my mind. If not the Society itself, at least some of its illustrous directors.

The Science Guy foi exibido no Brasil como 'Eureka' na década de 1990.
The show is frequently used in schools as an education medium.
Bill Nye. Who knows him, knows it is impossible to say his name without adding “the Science Guy”. He is one of the most famous science popularizers in the English-speaken world. Together with Beakman (from “Beakman’s World”), Bill Nye taught me many tricks and, most important of all, fed my curiosity and made me thirsty for knowledge. Bill Nye is the Planetary Society’s CEO.

Poster of IAU General Assmbly at Rio de Janeiro.
Poster of the IAU General Assembly in Rio de Janeiro.

The president of its Board of Directors is Jim Bell. I had the honor of meeting Jim in 2009, the International Year of Astronomy. In a happy coincidence, 2009 was also a year that the International Astronomical Union, IAU held one of its triennial General Assemblies.

Even happier coincidence still, in 2009, the IAU’s GA happened in Rio! And, luck of lucks!, all the lectures aimed to the general public were presented at the Rio de Janeiro Planetarium main dome. Jim Bell presented to the audience a very thorough, and funny!, lecture about the Mars rovers.

I met Jim in two other occasions, the most recent in 2012, when he was the Keynote Speaker at the ABP Annual Meeting held in Iguazu Falls.

So… maybe I’m not that new to the Society after all. Maybe it just took me longer than usual to become an official member!

And that is that. My first blog entry in English. I hope I didn’t embarass myself much.

Greetings from the Southern Skies! ■

1 comentário em “The Planetary Society and Me”

  1. Felicitaciones, me gusta sus blogs!! hay que tener tiempo,paciencia y amor a la ciencia e historia grande, para poder escribir tan magnificos temas y tan variados !!!Saludos y felicitaciones desde el club de astronomia Los Robles, en Maracaibo, Venezuela!! ojalatuvieramos alguienb como ud aqui !!!

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